
How to Make Frozen Cake Taste Good Again

  • Insider spoke with professional person chefs about how they brand frozen pizza taste homemade.
  • Thaw your frozen pizza to customize information technology, and skip the blistering sheet for a perfectly crispy crust.
  • Added ingredients like quality Parmesan, lemon juice, and fresh veggies tin upgrade the flavor.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

Homemade pizza is always a treat, only frozen pizza tin can exist a quick and easy manner to get nutrient on the tabular array.

Luckily, according to professional chefs, it's possible to have frozen pizza from decent to delicious with a few like shooting fish in a barrel tweaks.

Read on for their favorite means to upgrade frozen pizza.

Brand sure the oven is hot plenty before cooking

Some frozen pizzas can exist cooked at 500 degrees Fahrenheit.
Family Manner Studio/Shutterstock

Chef Amy Riolo told Insider that it's essential to brand sure your oven is hot enough before sliding in a frozen pizza.

"I always bake pizza in a screeching-hot oven that has been sufficiently preheated," she said. "For thinner varieties, I'd recommend a temperature of 500 degrees Fahrenheit so that you lot get a crispy crust."

If you're serious well-nigh getting the perfect pizza, opt for a more precise in-oven thermometer rather than relying on the display or temperature dial.

Employ directly heat to get a perfectly crispy pizza

Struggling with soggy crust or unevenly cooked frozen pizza? Your pan could be to arraign.

"Skip the aluminum foil and baking canvas and place the pizza directly on your oven rack," Max Hardy, owner of Coop Detroit and Jed'southward Detroit pizzeria, told Insider. "Poke holes in the bottom of the pizza to let trapped air escape, and you'll get a stone-oven taste at home."

If yous're forgoing a blistering sheet, endeavor using a thin, apartment utensil such as a metal spatula to help remove the cooked pizza from the oven.

Use a pizza stone to properly cook thick-crust pizza

Pizza stones can help frozen pizzas cook more than evenly.
StockFood/Getty Images

Information technology tin can be tough to hit the sweetness spot between undercooked and singed when cooking a deep-dish or thick-crust pizza.

"A pizza stone tin aid you lot avert chewy chaff in frozen pizzas with thicker crusts," Gretchen Holm, founder of Cuisine Technology and erstwhile pizzeria chef, told Insider.

To use a pizza stone properly, preheat your oven with the rock already inside, then place the pizza on the hot stone and bake as directed.

Thaw and deconstruct your frozen pizza

Hardy told Insider that deconstructing your frozen pizza tin can allow for some customization before cooking.

"Let your frozen pizza thaw during the mean solar day, and then remove all the toppings and layer on your favorite sauces or multiple kinds of cheese," he said.

Customizing a frozen pizza tin besides be a fun and easy mode to apply upward leftover vegetables and condiments that yous have hanging around.

Add fresh toppings before cooking

Peppers and other veggies make adept pizza toppings.
Ika Rahma H/Shutterstock

One of the easiest ways to jazz up a frozen pizza is simply adding a handful or 2 of fresh toppings before baking.

"Frozen pizza is a good base of operations, simply information technology's and then like shooting fish in a barrel to make it gustation better by adding fresh ingredients like vegetables or your favorite proteins," Hardy told Insider.

Attempt calculation extras like pulled pork, barbecue sauce, chopped peppers, infused olive oil, coleslaw, pine basics, or feta cheese.

Make some garlic butter to upgrade your pizza's season

If y'all have a few extra moments to spend in the kitchen, whip upward a batch of homemade garlic butter to give your frozen pizza a gourmet flavor.

"I'd highly recommend using homemade garlic butter on frozen pizza," Hardy said. "Drizzle the melted butter around the crust before or after baking."

You can brand garlic butter by combining softened or melted butter with ingredients like minced garlic, paprika, basis blackness pepper, Parmesan cheese, garlic table salt, or Italian seasoning.

Use lemon to brighten the flavor of frozen pizza

Lemon juice can help bring out other flavors.
Boontoom Sae-Kor/Shutterstock

Holm told Insider that a lemon could be all you need to improve the taste of a frozen pizza.

"The brightness of lemon gives that fresh note of season that frozen pizzas frequently lack," she said. "Zest some lemon on top or drizzle the pizza with lemon juice."

You tin likewise use lemon-infused olive oil instead of fresh lemon juice.

Finish off the pizza with more cheese

You can sprinkle a picayune extra Parmesan cheese on top afterward cooking.
Westend61/Getty Images

Holm said that information technology's worth splurging on great cheese to top your frozen pizza with.

"While the pizza is still hot from the oven, shave some ricotta salata or quality Parmesan on summit," she told Insider. "You tin can also height it with some minor dollops of mascarpone."

Other tasty finishing cheeses include crumbled feta, sliced Brie, or pieces of soft goat cheese.

Don't cutting into the pizza right away

Cutting into a pizza too early on tin can ruin it.

Though it may be tempting to piece your pizza straight out of the oven, exercising some patience can lead to a tastier concluding product.

"It's important to allow the pizza to sit a few minutes after baking," Riolo said. "This makes cutting much easier and allows the flavors to marry."

You'll know your pizza is ready to cutting when the melted cheese doesn't stick to the knife or pizza cutter.

Add additional fresh toppings after cooking the pizza

Arugula is a nice, fresh topping to add after cooking.

Professional chef and old "Top Chef" contestant Jamie Lynch told Insider that adding fresh toppings after cooking is besides a great way to raise frozen pizza.

"Not many people think to garnish their pizza after it'due south done cooking, but this actually adds a ton of unexpected flavors and texture," he said.

Lynch suggested trying out toppings like marinated artichokes, Castelvetrano olives, shaved Parmesan cheese, and baby arugula.

Read More:

How to Make Frozen Cake Taste Good Again


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