
Jesus Rose on Easter and Died Again

The scriptures are clear that Jesus died on a Roman cross and that three days later, he rose from the expressionless, appeared to his disciples for 40 days, and then ascended into heaven. Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection both take slap-up significance beyond a elementary execution and restoration to life.

Jesus died as an atoning cede for our sin and to defeat the spiritual forces arrayed against us. But what was it that happened on the offset Easter roughly 2000 years ago when Jesus rose from the dead?

The Empty Tomb

The first thing that anyone noticed about that mean solar day was the empty tomb. Jesus had been taken off the cross and placed into a tomb/cavern, and a massive stone rolled across the entrance to seal it upwardly.

And a few of his followers had taken notation of the location. Nonetheless when they went out early the post-obit Dominicus morning, the stone was rolled away, and Jesus' torso was missing.

At that place accept been many attempts over the years to explain abroad the empty tomb. And many today acquit on that tradition or deny information technology altogether. Yet few serious Bible scholars, regardless of their religious beliefs, deny that Jesus died on a Roman cross, was buried, and his tomb was later discovered empty.

That the tomb was found empty demonstrated to his first followers that he had defeated expiry. And it continues to requite witness to us today that the grave could not hold him. That he had conquered decease.

Resuscitation Vs. Resurrection

Several times in both the Old and New Testaments, we find accounts of people who had died and so were restored to life. But they were fundamentally dissimilar than what happened to Jesus.

All these other people were indeed restored to life. But they were no different after their restoration than before their death. And each of them ultimately died once more. They were simply resuscitated.

But Jesus' restoration to life was fundamentally different. Jesus' body was different. He could announced and disappear at will. He could pass through closed doors. And he seemed to appear unrecognizable to those who knew him.

And, most importantly, he did not feel death once more at some later time. His body was immortal. What Jesus experienced was a resurrection. The aforementioned resurrection that Jesus' followers wait forward to at the finish of the age.

He Conquered Death

Romans 6:9 says that because "Christ was raised from the dead, he cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over him." In Jesus' resurrection, he defeated death, humanity'southward greatest enemy and fearfulness. Decease is our final human activity on this earth. And for many people, what comes after death, if anything, is a smashing unknown.

Hebrews 2:xv refers to this fear of humanity, "Who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of expiry." Only, according to Hebrews two:14, Christ, in his death, broke the power of Satan, the 1 who holds the ability of decease. And he freed us from our fear of death.

Expiry is a defeated enemy. While we nonetheless face up expiry, it should no longer concur whatsoever fear for those who belong to Christ. What lies on the other side of death is still largely unknown to us.

But nosotros can take conviction that death is not the stop. After death will come up resurrection into the new life that God has prepared for us.

The Starting time Fruits of a New Humanity

In 1 Corinthians 15:twenty, Paul said that "Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep."

Later in this chapter (1 Corinthians 15:35-49), Paul describes what our resurrected bodies will be like. They will be totally unlike what we have at present, but they will be like Christ (1 John iii:2).

At Jesus' resurrection, he took on the humanity that each of his people will have at our ain resurrection. He was the first. And many more of united states of america will eventually follow him.

Sent the Holy Spirit

In John xvi:7, Jesus told his disciples that it was necessary that he get away. But that when he did, he would send the Holy Spirit to them. Scripture records this event in the second affiliate of Acts, l days afterwards Jesus' crucifixion.

When Jesus was among his disciples, he was merely in one place at a time. And the relationship he had with his disciples was a human friendship. Only when Jesus returned to the Male parent, he sent the Spirit to them.

And the Holy Spirit indwelt the believers, resulting in a more intimate human relationship. And the Spirit was not limited to a single identify at a single time. The Holy Spirit that Jesus sent to united states enables us to walk in fellowship with God. The Holy Spirit transforms the lives of believers.

Enthroned at the Right Hand of God

Philippians 2:ix-eleven tells us that considering Jesus was obedient even to death, God has exalted him to the highest place. Hebrews vii:27 and 8:i say that Jesus, our nifty high priest, offered himself as a sacrifice for united states. And he has now set downwards at the right hand of the throne of God.

Did Jesus simply repossess his position as Son, the second person of the Trinity? Or is in that location more to this? I believe it is more a elementary return to his pre-incarnate place as Son. Jesus' favorite term for himself is Son of Human.

This is an illusion to Daniel 7:13-14, where one, like a son of man, comes into God'southward presence and is given authority over all peoples and a kingdom that volition never end. Jesus is eternally the Son. Simply he is more than that now. He still retains his humanity, albeit in its resurrected form.

What does Jesus do at the right hand of God? He rules over his kingdom (Colossians 1:xiii). He is exalted past all creation (Philippians 2:9-11). And he is making intercession for those who follow him (Hebrews 7:25).

He Led a Victory Parade

In the Roman world of the New Testament, it was common for a conquering general to lead a triumphal parade into the capital letter of Rome.

This parade would include some of the captives from the opposing regular army. And it would oft include amusement and feasting for the people who were privileged to participate.

In Ephesians 4:8, Paul alludes to this practice. But rather than honoring a victorious Roman full general, it is Jesus leading the victory parade.

Colossians 2:15 would seem to place the captives equally the spiritual forces in opposition to Jesus. He defeated them in his decease. And in his ascension to the throne, he fabricated a public spectacle of them.

The Ephesians passage also says that he gave gifts to his people. The gifts mentioned hither included apostles, prophets, evangelists, and pastors/teachers.

These are leadership gifts for his newly established church building. And he continues to this day to give his people the gifts we need to serve him effectively.

When Jesus rose from the expressionless, he conquered death, becoming the firstborn of a new humanity. He defeated the spiritual forces of evil and took them captive.

He ascended to the throne of God, where he at present rules over his kingdom. And he sent to us the Holy Spirit to teach and guide u.s.a. in the life he has called us to.

For further reading:

What Is the Importance of the Empty Tomb?

Why Do We Say 'He Has Risen' During Easter?

Why Does information technology Matter That Jesus Rose from the Dead?

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/ginosphotos

Ed Jarrett headshot Ed Jarrett  is a long-fourth dimension follower of Jesus and a member of Sylvan Way Baptist Church. He has been a Bible teacher for over xl years and regularly blogs at A Clay Jar . You tin besides follow him on Twitter  or Facebook . Ed is married, the begetter of 2, and grandfather of three. He is retired and currently enjoys his gardens and backpacking.


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